Monday, October 22, 2012

Our semester is winding down!

I can hardly believe we are at Week 11!  I want to commend all of you for your hard work and perseverance with this material.   I have been impressed with the depth of insight in discussions.  Let's continue to show respect to each other and end the sideline conversations.   All of you have valuable opinions, so share them with the entire group, rather than with just the person beside you!

Here are the student leader assignments for the rest of the semester. 

Ancient Literature
Week 11 Spencer Becknell
Week 12 Presentation of memorized passage
Week 13 Ryan Dovel
Week 14 Jeffrey Biggs
Week 15 Chris Blackburn

World History
Week 11 Derek Matthews
Week 12 Sean Stegall
Week 13 Daniel Shirley
Week 14 Lecture Presentation
Week 15  Nick Herring

Week 11 Ms. Matthews
Week 12 Spencer Becknell
Week 13 Nick Herring
Week 14 Daniel Shirley
Week 15 Presentation 

Congratulations on an excellent Presidential Debate.  I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!

Mrs. Stegall